Tuesday, March 11, 2025

dinner and a movie

 Nicole brought a delicious pulled pork dinner last night, complete with salad and sides. I provided cookies and tea. The Apprentice was well worth renting for $6 and we were especially impressed with Jeremy Strong as Roy Cohn and Sebastian Stan as tRump. How this dreadful man became president repulses me. But you already know that...

Monday, March 10, 2025

forever frustrating

 I hate to admit it, but I am no better at solving computer problems than I was years ago. The nasty Spam attack is causing me fits and starts and so I contacted Luis to visit tomorrow and he will make everything right. Grrrrrrrr.

Sunday, March 09, 2025

my kind of time

 Oh, hooray, I can stay up until a "decent" hour and sleep in until 6am. I know that about half the population does not agree with me when I celebrate Daylight Saving Time today, but too bad.

Saturday, March 08, 2025

Dumpling Bites

 Doug and Barb's mailman told them about this delightful restaurant out on Noriega and they picked me up early and we had a great dinner at Dumpling Bites. They travel often and we needed a lot of great catch-up talk time and too much delicious food. Gratitude!

Friday, March 07, 2025

with apologies

 I am not having a party. I am not in a celebratory mood. But I did get hit by a spam email and I'm sorry because it was sent to all sorts of friends (and some enemies) and what a pain in the ass. Do NOT try to open. Do not send me money or gift cards through this email. (But otherwise, hell yes, hahahahaha.) Again, do not open an email from me with the subject line "You're warmly invited to my Party!" Argh. Sorry again...

Thursday, March 06, 2025

writing Republicans

 I am so fortunate to live in a state with mostly Democratic representatives. So yesterday I wrote and mailed letters to nine (are there more?) GOP Representatives here in California. My focus was to let them know that I support President Zelensky and the people of Ukraine. Next I will write ten Republican Senators and I plan to tell them how beautifully Social Security and Medicare work for me and for all the senior citizens that I know. Stay involved!

Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Larkspur Landing

Getting there was half (maybe more?) the fun as I took a ferry from SF to meet Gini, Mad Rose and Helene at Farm Shop for lunch yesterday. I was early and had a latte at the Rustic Bakery, then hit the bookstore and I just had a delightful time roaming about until my friends arrived. Lunch was delicious and it was a very good day, albeit a rather grey one.

Tuesday, March 04, 2025

a cat and her friends

 Last night I streamed Flow on HBO Max and even though not a word was spoken, I stayed wide awake during this delightful animated film that was nominated for an Oscar. Thumbs up from this sort of reviewer and movie lover.

Monday, March 03, 2025

good time & good timing

 Well, how about this Blogger seeing Anora the day before the big win? Meredith, Nicole and Heidi squeezed into my tiny back room and we had pizza and salad and Girl Scout cookies with tea,  while we oohed and ahhhed at the Oscar Party. Conan O'Brien did a fine job and I actually agreed with most of the choices for winners. I have a few more movies to stream or to enjoy in actual theaters, but I was proud to have seen as many as I did. A fine event, all in all. 

Sunday, March 02, 2025

this borders on porn

 I streamed Anora yesterday and, like almost everyone, I have mixed reviews. Great acting and all in all, a very touching story about lost young people with lots of sex, drugs and rock and roll in New York. I'm looking forward to the Oscars tonight, as always, and this film has quite a few nominations including Best Picture.

Saturday, March 01, 2025

Burmese birthday feast

 We celebrated Pat's birthday (note her lovely hair bow) yesterday at the Mandalay out on California Street with tea salad (top photo) and noodles and other specialties from Burma. I did not get a photo of Neti, but Jeanine was looking beautiful, as per usual. I always appreciate the colorful decor at this restaurant ~ not one dabble of grey or beige. Yay.