Sunday, June 30, 2024

we celebrate Pride

 Many streets will be closed and SF welcomes thousands of tourists this weekend. I'm pretty sure our city has the biggest celebration anywhere. When I worked at Borders I used to enjoy the Parade on my lunch hour, but today I'll catch it on TV. And glorious sunshine today ~ yay!

Saturday, June 29, 2024

we be soothed

 I needed a good long solo walk by the sea yesterday, so I headed to Pathetica and the clean air and roar of the waves did the trick again. Outstanding weather and lots of people and dogs to appreciate as I put that awful Debate in a tiny compartment in the very back of my mind. 

Friday, June 28, 2024

today we need this

This photo is from my long neighborhood walk yesterday. Last night's debate was horrific so I will focus on the beauty of my own small world and avoid politics for a few days. Sigh.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Japanese art and history

 I met Amy out at the Legion of Honor yesterday and we both thoroughly enjoyed the Japanese Prints in Transition exhibit. Incredible details and design ~ it's really a study of history and culture as the West comes to play such an important role here. The good and the bad. I urge you to see this impressive exhibit ~ through August 18.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

with a little help...

 Another SF view ~ this from Pat's balcony last night. My friends pitched in nicely to help me through Tender Day. Lunch up at Jen's with two dogs and dinner last night with Pat and Neti, both widows who understand new and not-so-new grief. We help each other, that's the name of the game, or should be.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Tender Day

 Well, these six years flew by. I think Husbando would be proud of all that I've accomplished since he died and forgiving of all the mistakes I've made. He certainly was while he was alive. We will be forever grateful to Ginger and the Blogmaid for seeing us through that awful night.

Monday, June 24, 2024

best vacuums ever

 Thanks to the Blogmaid for these great goat photos of the yearly clean-up down in Half Moon Bay. What amazing animals with outstanding digestive systems and their intriguing eyes. 

Sunday, June 23, 2024

a big ol' slice of heaven

As promised... I've heard about Scrap for years and somehow never got here on my own. But thanks to Terri on Friday, this delightful re-use "store" will be my new go-to place for whatever I might be looking for, especially paper products. I also know where to donate such things as brand new calendars, note cards, ribbons, etc. Here from the Scrap official website:

SCRAP is a 501(c)(3) Arts education nonprofit and a creative Reuse center founded in 1976 in San Francisco. Our mission is to put the materials and methods of art-making in reach for everyone, helping people turn everyday objects into creative projects that fuel the human spirit, support community vibrancy and reinforce environmental awareness. And we divert over 200 tons of materials heading from landfill each year!

Saturday, June 22, 2024

in search of Todd Hido

 What a nice day I had with Terri yesterday. She drove (thank you!) to the Minnesota Street Project where we discovered the top two pieces, then we walked over to Casemore Gallery to soak in the Todd Hido (a local photographer who studied with Larry Sultan). His House Hunting exhibit is well worth seeing and I'm glad he included the cat. Yummy lunch at the Hard Knox and then I finally got to Scrap...I will cover that tomorrow and you will love it too. Promise.

Friday, June 21, 2024

a genius comic

 Gene Wilder's life was good to escape to on Netflix for me. He had way more fun than most actors and of course some tragedy along the way too. Who can ever forget him in Blazing Saddles or The Producers? And he was responsible for Young Frankenstein. Thumbs up!

Thursday, June 20, 2024

phase two begins (oh boy)

 Somehow I have managed to clean out my little over stuffed office and it will become Emma's Bathroom sometime this year. To my happy surprise work started yesterday and Handy Jan's partner, Mike, is doing all the plumbing and he works quickly. Annabelle and I are a tad nervous with the noise but we know that it is all for a good cause and yes, we can do this thing.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

he was the GOAT

 RIP to the Say Hey Kid who died yesterday at the age of 93. The baseball world and our city mourns and within minutes fans were bringing flowers to his statue at the Jewel. I soaked up all the tributes on TV last night ~ Willie Mays, what a superb human being. One of his sayings:



Tuesday, June 18, 2024

we love SF

 Top: sunset from my back window.

Middle: view from Sunday picnic at the park behind the Randall Museum in Twin Peaks.

Bottom: glorious painted side wall from walk on Folsom Street yesterday.

Monday, June 17, 2024

we love Awards!

 So satisfying. I hosted an easy little pizza party last night for friends who don't have TVs (now what?) and it made me want to go to NYC and see a few great plays that will arrive here in maybe two years, if we are lucky. We liked how much cross-over there was with the movies this year at the Tonys. And yay, Hillary Clinton looking fabulous. 

Sunday, June 16, 2024

vote for Mayor Breed

 Maybe it was the sunshine yesterday? Jack and I received a few more thumbs up and positive comments than we did the previous Saturday when we worked outside of the Noe Valley Farmers' Market. One complaint from a jerk who didn't like that London shut down the city so quickly for Covid and we all had to wear masks (horror) and I replied that she saved my life. Not an easy decision to close a city, but it worked. 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

it takes a village

 Yesterday I joined this group of seniors ~ part of a network of 300 Villages across the USA. It began here in the city in 2009 and now they have 650 members. I loved reading this: WE ARE INDEPENDENT AND INTERDEPENDENT. People helping people through volunteer work and lots of activities such as walking groups, virtual tours, etc.  More about this as I become involved ~ next meeting on Tuesday "Making the Most of Your Membership". Oh, the cost? $10 a month.

Friday, June 14, 2024

it must be Summer

 I was forced to endure a couple of days without my trusty fireplace. No wonder Annabelle had tummy issues. Thankfully PG&E arrived yesterday afternoon to give me a couple of hints and to make sure there were no leaks, etc. Some sort of problem with the little starter switch so I will be very gentle with this in the future. The mornings are foggy now and some days the sun appears, or not. I've grown to appreciate the fog, our natural air conditioning. Beats horrible heat, right?

Thursday, June 13, 2024

a rough two days

 Annabelle and I rescued each other almost six years ago. She is a healthy, feisty girl, but for the past two days she has been vomiting (barely making it to the best carpet) and I believe it was probably hairball related, even though I brush her. I'm not sure, but I think she is about 8 years old now and so I bought this treat for her and I think it helped. Today she seems to have recovered and she is, as usual, famished. Thanks to the Blogmaid for helping me through this "crisis".

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

a gift for Emma's Room

 Amy presented me with a cool black coat rack from Amazon. Every guest will need some place to hang stuff, as we all know. She even put it together for me yesterday as we discussed everything under the sun over tea. The new bathroom next door is still under discussion...

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

pink triangle time

 In the middle photo we can see the triangle (barely) from my back window. There were 600 or so volunteers who installed this Pride symbol under Sutro Tower over the weekend. This is just so impressive and meaningful and, of course, another reason why I love SF so much. 

Monday, June 10, 2024

so proud of our Pride Family

 Yesterday was the annual Pride Day in Half Moon Bay and here we see and applaud the Blogmaid Family in all their colorful attire. It was a quieter day here in the City for Annabelle and myself, but we loved all the news and photos from Pumpkinville. 

Sunday, June 09, 2024

so I googled Sawfish


Always a Mercy

Tomorrow always packs a fresh challenge in her pocketbookand prayer is rarely answered by the party you are callingListen to someone who has been around awhileafter all, it takes a hundred-year droughtto expose the remains of a shipwreckSomething else I want you to know—sawfish have lips as luscious as a mangoand it's almost always a mercy to bedenied the things you want mostI remember after the warwomen drew lines down the backsof their legs, then went into the streetand kissed perfect strangersGod I hope that doesn't happen againNo shoes on the couch. Peels in the trash
~ Maria Dylan Himmelmanfrom SUNDRY ABDUCTIONS

Saturday, June 08, 2024

a dark Irish comedy

 There are only 7 episodes of Bodkin and I am trying not to binge so I can make this show last. Three journalists/podcasters go to this small Irish seaside town and unearth some past tragedies and cause a lot of problems. These three are wonderfully different characters and I love how they argue and bicker and interact. The Flix® does it again...

Friday, June 07, 2024

The Art of Noise

 I didn't really expect much yesterday at this exhibit at SF Moma, mostly I just wanted to meet with Suzy for lunch outside on the 5th Floor. And that was lovely, but this was a terrific example of the superb graphic design history of San Francisco with the glorious album covers and posters from the past. A ton of young people wearing stunning fashion choices were enjoying this almost too colorful exhibition of more than 800 pieces. This amazing collection is available through August 18, and I encourage you to go. Begin on the 7th floor this trip, OK?

Thursday, June 06, 2024

Three Babes

 Jen-with-two-dogs takes pie baking classes here. (I am not tempted) But I did finally get to Three Babes for a key lime pie yesterday. Yum. This was my contribution to Nicole's Wednesday night gathering and the Babes did not disappoint. I do like to support local business, especially women-owned. A fine experience and I will return. Perhaps a cherry pie next time?

Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Cass and Atlas

 The youngest Blogmaid, Cass, is back from SCAD in Savannah for a nice long summer with her parents. Cass (formerly known as RR) loves her horse, Atlas, as you can see. What a joy it has been to watch Cass grow up ~ I have been so fortunate.