Wednesday, November 30, 2016

I want Jane back

I want to send her this poem.
Did she know Kim Addonizio?
I want to thank Jane for turning me into a writer.
I want Jane to push me to write again and deeper.
Complex, edgy, caring Jane.
Did she know this poem?

"What Do Women Want?"

I want a red dress. 
I want it flimsy and cheap, 
I want it too tight, I want to wear it 
until someone tears it off me. 
I want it sleeveless and backless, 
this dress, so no one has to guess 
what's underneath. I want to walk down
the street past Thrifty's and the hardware store 
with all those keys glittering in the window, 
past Mr. and Mrs. Wong selling day-old 
donuts in their cafĂ©, past the Guerra brothers 
slinging pigs from the truck and onto the dolly, 
hoisting the slick snouts over their shoulders. 
I want to walk like I'm the only 
woman on earth and I can have my pick. 
I want that red dress bad.
I want it to confirm 
your worst fears about me, 
to show you how little I care about you 
or anything except what 
I want. When I find it, I'll pull that garment 
from its hanger like I'm choosing a body 
to carry me into this world, through 
the birth-cries and the love-cries too, 
and I'll wear it like bones, like skin, 
it'll be the goddamned 
dress they bury me in. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

getting to know George

Here are three girls from the racetrack day and I will start a new blog category
for George. Of course you know that RR is on the left, right?

Monday, November 28, 2016

off to the races!

Mr. and Mrs. Blogmaid and Claire (above) hosted a lovely day at Golden
Gate Fields for RR's birthday. I neglected to get a good photo of the four
teenage girls, but they had a great time roaming around. And I had just
the BEST time watching the people and horses and only losing $18
on #5 in the 4th race.

Sunday, November 27, 2016

calming thought

 The Power We Have 


The person we elect has tremendous power. But they have zero power over 
how we show up for others and offer love. 

L O D R O R I N Z L E R ' S most recent book is How to Love Yourself 
and Other People): Spiritual Advice for Modern Relationships. 

Saturday, November 26, 2016

my winter walk



Yesterday I took a long and wonderful walk on Valencia Street, stopping
of course for a latte and a LindaKindle2 along the way. It was busy but
not insane and all the little stores and restaurants were doing good
Black Friday business and I was delighted NOT to be involved this
year. So many memories of retail the day after Thanksgiving and none
of them good, to tell the truth. Consumers can be greedy and very
impatient ~ trust me on this...

Friday, November 25, 2016

more than worthwhile

after doing dishes many times during the day

it was all gravy
Yes, a lot of work. No, not in vain. I had to wrestle with my negative
thoughts about "how can I be thankful this year?" all day as we busied
ourselves with prep and more prep. And then the guests arrived and
the conversations flowed and we felt nothing but gratitude.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

trying to be grateful

Yes, we are filled with gratitude for our warm and secure lives, but the
horror of this election stays with us, even on Thanksgiving. There was
a line at the Mission Pie Shoppe yesterday and NO pies on the shelves,
but I had pre-ordered online and it was easy for us. Then I took a slice
of pumpkin to Jennie in her rehab facility and of course those places can
be depressing, but we hope she will be sprung next week. The guests
arrive at 2pm and it will be a nice day, just four of us trying to stay
positive and appreciate each other and life itself. Happy Thanksgiving
to you, dear readers.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

she's a teenager now

Happy 13th birthday to Ryan Rose ~ today is the start of another
exciting and delightful chapter in RR's life and for all of those who
love her and Mr. and Ms. Blogmaid and Ryan's sister too. Celebrate!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016


(thank you to the Fevered Brain for letting me know about this on FB)

This was shared with me and I in turn created an event to share with my 
friends that has now gone viral apparently. I have since found out who 
came up with this idea and now we are directing people to the official site.

**IMPORTANT: Please do not send your postcard until NOV 26th**
The original directions are below. 

1. Get a postcard from your state - any picture that represents your state.
2. In the message section, write this simple message: NOT BANNON!
3. Sign your name if you wish
4. Address it as follows:
Donald Trump
c/o The Trump Organization
725 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10022
5. Affix a stamp - you can use a 35 cent postcard stamp, or a normal 
letter stamp.
6. Take a picture of your postcard that you can share on social media 
using the hashtag #stopbannon . PLEASE DO NOT USE A 
7. Drop it in the mail! 

We are aiming to get these mailed between Saturday, Nov 26th and 
Monday, Nov. 28th to create a concentrated avalanche of postcards. 
But if you can't send yours until later, don't let that stop you.

For further info and answers to common questions, please the the FAQ 
posted at the top of the discussion. Thanks!

Monday, November 21, 2016

the 1950s black experience

This play is a mystery that takes place in downtown Washington, DC and
this was a time when Jews and Negros lived side-by-side there. A young
black man returns from the Korean War to discover that his friend was
murdered. Then a Jewish woman dies at his feet in the street. Somehow
the author artfully intertwines the two stories. One solid act at Z Space.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

is this polite?

I don't know the protocol here, but I am infatuated with this kitchen in
Gini and Philipp's home, so I whisked my phone out of my purse and
took a photo while no one was looking. We had a really nice dinner over
there last night and discussed our 42 years of friendship. When we
entertain there is "stuff" ALL over, but look how tidy this is. Impressed?

Saturday, November 19, 2016

news from the border

(an email from Mary in Bisbee, Arizona)

What a glorious moon!  It was so bright that my varmint cats 
stayed inside, fearing the coyotes who were roaming about in 
the ditch out front, tracking the javalinas.  At 4am the 
hummingbirds were already up (thinking it was dawn?)  
In the light of the setting moon, the neighbor’s little female 
Arctic wolf jumped her fences and was taking a leisurely stroll.   

Later, my best friend Nelson and I went down to Douglas to 
shop at the Border Walmart.  We grabbed some shopping 
carts from the parking lot, because so many of them are 
left at the entrance to Mexico.  The store was filled as usual 
with Anglo’s, Mexicans and a mixture of various other 
ethnicities.  There was no descernable tension because of 
the election.  It was the same as always.  Voices talking in 
both English and Spanish.  As we left, we joined a group 
admiring the a beautiful 2 week old Mexican baby boy.   

We then went to The Border Dennny;s so that Nelson could 
indulge in his favorite pancakes.  This place was also filled 
with a variety of the human species. All this was happening 
a stone’s throw from the big ole double fence where people 
were crossing freely back and forth with no hassle.  

The politicians up North and in Middle America are all 
yammering about the Border "crisis", but nobody comes 
down here to look around or talk with us.  There are so few 
of us right at the Border compared to the rest of the state 
and country – what does it matter what we think?  As one 
man put it,  ‘The bad part is nobody cares what we think.  
The good part is nobody cares what we think.  We pay taxes 
so that they will leave us alone.”  

The Tohono O’odham nation has announced that they will 
not allow a wall to be built on their land at the Border.  
Meanwhile, life goes on in these sparsely populated mountains.  
It’s a mixed bag down here and we are for the most part a 
pretty polite, yet sometimes, guarded, group of high desert 

A bumper sticker I saw recently on a pickup truck is indicative 
of the complexity of life down here:
I wish peace under that great big ole momentous Moon shining 
blessings on us all, man and beast.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Benedict and Hamilton

Well, that's far-fetched. But I did have Eggs Benedict down at Breakers in
Pathetica with the Blogmaid who gifted me with this Hamilton CD which
I am thrilled to have. The waves were so ferocious down there that even I
figured I had better tuck my iPhone away and just rely on my memory.
Amazingly there were seven or so surfers out in the waves along with a
small group of us just standing there appreciating the majesty of it all.
As always, deep gratitude to the Blogmaid and the friendship that is ours.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

North Beach at night

Last night I went to a reception at Live Worms (?) Gallery on Grant Avenue.
The artist is a friend-of-a-friend and I am glad that I went. It was a gloriously
clear and cool night and I decided to have a latte at Trieste before I called
my Lyft driver. We have a long history with North Beach ~ I've always
wanted to live there, right in the heart of it all. Impossible, of course. It
used to be easy to drive, park, drink and eat cheap and delicious food. But
now? Well, I love taking pix with my iPhone and texting Husbando and
the Textmaid while I look and listen to all the characters in my city. Oh,
yes, I still so appreciate my city. But you already know that...

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

a step into Europe

lamb over fire ~ not for vegans

Maybe it's the lighting? One of our all-time favorite restaurants is Kokkari
down on Jackson Street. It's (yes) expensive, warm, friendly and always
busy. It is an authentic Greek restaurant and yesterday Ginger met us here
for lunch where we indulged in salad, sun chokes, fried smelt, lamb
burger, artichokes with eggplant and moussaka. Coffee and delicious
banana pudding in cake-like dessert. Lovely day!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

a big new Tartine

note bags of flour on left

Tartine is a famous bakery and cafe on Guerrero Street. Recently they
opened a much larger space right in my nabe ~ 18th and Alabama.
Yesterday I met Joe here for lunch and it was everything all the critics
are raving about. Expensive? Of course. Delicious? More than. We
had sandwiches and this elegant pear and almond dessert with
our coffee. Oh, yes, the noise level? Wonderful, we could hear so
well ~ maybe the high ceilings and no loud music. Fabulous.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Dancing Jen Day

It was sooooo good to see Jen again after her wonderful trip to
England and Scotland. We had lunch at the Golden Star and then
walked a bit in Chinatown. Grieving about the election with
friends helps so much. She brought me delightful gifts ~ a pen
from each of her museum visits, a bookmark and notebook. I
treasure each one and her friendship most of all.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

escape! escape!

Billy Bob Thornton, Maria Bello, William Hurt ~ an enticing legal
drama in eight delectable episodes. We finished Goliath last night
and had a great time. Oh, Molly Parker too ~ who can forget her?
It all takes place in Santa Monica, a beach town mysteriously
devoid of traffic. But still, so nice to get away from politics. Enjoy.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

you are safe with me

Yesterday Husbando and I had lunch at Barzotto, a new pasta place on
Valencia and 24th. The two women sitting next to us were wearing safety
pins and I later learned that this started in England as a way to signify
to immigrants, gays and minorities that not every citizen there is a hater
after that dismal Brexit vote. I will wear a safety pin until Trump is

I also sent money to ACLU because they will have to defend our constitution.
Today I will donate to Planned Parenthood. Freedom can get expensive,
but the fight has begun.

Friday, November 11, 2016

and more sorrow

And now Leonard Cohen has died. Remember when Dancing Jen and I
went to his concert in Oakland? It was more money than either of us could
afford and I've never told Husbando exactly how much it cost. But now I
would pay double that. Poet, genius, singer, deep and good soul. I will
play his CD soon, after I cry some more. RIP and thank you, Mr. Cohen.

And my gratitude for this dear Dancing Jen:

You think that their
dying is the worst
thing that could happen.
Then they stay dead
--From "Distressed Haiku" by Donald Hall

Thursday, November 10, 2016

a day of hope

Tuesday at John's Grill. My friend Marsha in the bottom left hand corner
with a couple of her admirers. Someday Gavin will be President, on
that we can all agree. We were filled with optimism on Tuesday and
many good things did happen in the election. More gun control for one
thing and Big Liquor will suffer when marijuana is legal here in Calif.

Yesterday was a day of grieving and acceptance. I was heartened to see
the spontaneous protests in cities across America last night. We marched
through the Nixon Era and we will fight the bigots with new determination.
Lunch out with Doug and Barb at the Mission Rock Resort helped
us as we found a few other things to talk about out on the beautiful Bay.

Wednesday, November 09, 2016

shell shocked

President Trump. There I said it. Today we will mourn and try
to get our strength back. I take heart from the Huffington Post
this morning:

If Trump can reverse the economic inequality he decried 
during his campaign, bring back manufacturing jobs, 
find a way to give people better healthcare for less 
money, invest in infrastructure to stimulate the 
economy and otherwise make the country great, 
we’ll cheer him on. We’ll find out.

Nothing will be helped if I remain bitter and angry, 
but it's OK just for today, isn't it?

Tuesday, November 08, 2016

birds, rabbits and oh, please...

two birds from Linda

two rabbits at the SPCA

The oh, please is for some positive election results tonight. We want an
early landslide for Hillary, but that might not be possible. I'll be meeting
my friend Marsha at John's Grill today where ex-Mayor Willie Brown
is hosting the entire city and since I don't "do" crowds very well, I
won't be staying too long. Let's hope for the HRC red/white/blue logo
in tomorrow's post and for America's future.

Monday, November 07, 2016

book of the week

I am reading Today Will be Different by Maria Semple. We all remember
Maria from the Bernadette book and we all love her humor. So far, so good.
I like when our heroine vows not to swear for an entire day. Good luck
with that in this wacky world.

Sunday, November 06, 2016

an East Bay Day

Carlini met us at the Walnut Creek BART station and drove us to the
Lark Creek Inn where he treated us to lavish lunches. Calamari, salad,
mussels, paella, dessert and more, or so it seems. Even though this
was lunch, Husbando and I were NOT interested in dinner last night.
We had a great time catching up with Richard and so appreciate his
generosity and long friendship.

Saturday, November 05, 2016

holy, happy lunch

Yesterday Linda (of LindaKindle 1 and 2 fame) treated me to a luscious
and splendid Indian lunch at the Holy Kitchen on 24th Street. She
traveled waaaaaay out of her beachside nabe to meet me and I am
very grateful indeed. We talked of many things and I enjoyed myself
immensely. Thank you, dear Linda.

Friday, November 04, 2016

oh, so very nice

My technical advisor (the Blogmaid) encouraged me to get the larger iPhone6
and I did that very thing on Wednesday. I think of it as a mini-mini-iPad
and yes, I LOVE it. Verizon transferred many of my phone numbers, but
a few key ones were inexplicably left off, so I have been busy making sure
I have those and also downloading apps and appreciating the fact that I
can read everything so much easier now.

Thursday, November 03, 2016

up, down, win, lose

Whoosh, that was quite an exciting final World Series game #7 with the Cubs
winning and Cleveland fighting back again and again. And then a rain delay,
of all things. Congratulations to the loyal Chicago fans who will soon get
their parade and the rest of us will start talking about Spring Training.

Wednesday, November 02, 2016

post-Halloween pix

The top photo is from my SPCA friend Marsi ~ her Lion King dog and
her grandson. Then we have RR, daughter of the Blogmaid, all dressed
up like a jockey and having fun with her school pals.

Tuesday, November 01, 2016

yesterday afternoon

T.C. Boyle

(here is my daily writing exercise)


Yesterday I hopped on the #24 Divisadero and walked a few blocks over on California
Street to the Jewish Community Center. There was a seriously crazy 50ish white man
who of course refused to pay and started yelling that he was blind and that the FBI
was harassing him. The driver stood up to him and he got off, but not before causing
fear and anger amongst the other almost-normal passengers. 

T.C. Boyle spoke for an hour and I enjoyed myself immensely. I need to do more of
this mind-expansion business. Get out of my comfort zone in front of my fake fireplace.
I guess walking with latte treats and reading isn’t as beneficial as listening to a REAL
author. T.C. was great. Teacher Karen thinks his “Drop City” is one of the best novels
ever as far as plot goes. I agree and I gobble up all of his short stories in the New Yorker.

So what did I learn? Well, I already knew that he lives in Santa Barbara, but I didn’t
know that his wife calls him Tom and sometimes in a voice that he hates. He has
written 26 novels. Amazingly his first draft is pretty much his final draft. He is a
perfectionist. T.C. just retired from teaching at USC, he taught fiction writing there
for 37 years and enjoyed getting out of his home and his head and being with
other people and he even liked the two hour drive to and fro.

He writes to music (jazz, I think ~ it was his choice for the JCC Library room) 
because he thinks it helps him keep the rhythm to his writing.

T.C. Boyle read from his new novel “The Terranauts” which is about the Biometrics
experiment in Arizona a few decades back. He researches for three months
before he starts writing. He has a lovely sense of humor and funny dyed hair.