(This is from an email that my Tiapos friend Will sent
yesterday. He knows that I get all sort of insane
about baseball, especially this time of year.)
Look at those sad sacks harvesting splinters
in their asses at the end of the bench,
the pinch hitters and utility infielders,
the ones with the gawky body language
that says Holy Shit, how’d I end up
in the Bigs, where the fifth starter
throws fastballs in the 90s
and you feel fucking naked in front of the world
if you whiff or even shy away
from an inside fastball, even though
it’s hissing by your earlobe
like an adder sent to deliver
the kiss of death.
They were all stars in the minors,
so many days when they ripped the cover
off the ball, stole second standing up,
turned double plays so graceful
they were known as artists.
But this is their dream, to walk
in a dugout with the stars, to drink
at the same water cooler,
to leap to their feet
when this year’s Sultan swats one
deep, deep into the cheap seats
and they feel, down in their splinter-
punctured asses, that he’s rounding
the impossibly white, immaculate
bases just for them.
Forget the popcorn-littered masses
ginning up the soundtrack.
They only wish they could get that far,
sitting at the end of the bench,
suited up, waiting for their moment
to slap their slugger on the back
and look up at the scoreboard
towards the crooked numbers
that spell We win again.
Will Walker