Monday, September 30, 2024

a bit of color always helps

 The Tyranny of Beige ~ not for this city, thank god. Yesterday I walked a few blocks on "upper" Harrison Street where I haven't been for awhile. I was pleased to see these happy little homes. I stopped at an Open Art Studio and didn't buy anything and smiled all the way home.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

double harps

 Neti and I had great Loge freebie seats last night for the symphony and the Bach piece featured two harps. To watch those four hands floating up and down was a visual treat and oh yes, the music was lovely too. We were both pleased to get out of our comfy homes last night to hit the beautiful Davies Symphony Hall.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

more SF views

 My friend Terri and I had coffee on Wednesday and she showed me her new iPhone with the superb camera. She took this photo from her back deck and we think my home is in here and I am bound and determined to find it. In the meantime, enjoy this lovely sunset from Terri.

Friday, September 27, 2024

a tale (tail) of two rabbits

 In the top photo we have MY rabbit on the back deck, given to me by the Blogmaid when she was pregnant with RR. So it's my 21 year old rabbit now.  I spotted the sibling rabbit next to Kathryn's home up on 27th Street Wednesday night. This seems like an omen and a good one. I do believe it means that Kamala will win the election. don't you?

Thursday, September 26, 2024

did you say 27th Street?

 Kathryn hosted the Wednesday night women's dinner thingie last night and my lordy, what a view. Who knew? Here she is in a bad photo in her beautiful home filled with stunning artwork and yes, she is another person who just loves to cook. I mentioned that I was never afflicted with this talent, but I do appreciate it in others. This is officially in Noe Valley for those readers who check out SF on mental or physical maps.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

speaking of cats

 Some of us are ALWAYS speaking of cats. My neighbor, Cristina, is back from her home town in Italy and Annabelle was ready for a mani/pedi. She tolerates this beauty treatment nicely as the manicurist talks to her a mile-a-minute in Italian. Bella, bella, Annabella, etc.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

we sure had some fun

 The Sopranos was an amazing tv experience and really put HBO on the road to success. If you were a fan too, I highly recommend Wise Guy, a documentary about David Chase who created this violent (yet loving and often hilarious) series that began in 1999. You will love all the inside stories and seeing the actors today. Notice the therapist's office in the bottom photo, Mr. Chase is on the right, being interviewed by someone who sits where Dr. Melfi talked to Tony Soprano.

Monday, September 23, 2024

the play's the thing

 Beautiful sets, great acting and a really dated play by Noel Coward. But still a fine Sunday with Neti, Pat, Jeanine and Jeannie here visiting from Austin, Texas. Private Lives is playing at ACT and we were able to buy $15 rush tickets, so even this old chestnut (written in 1931) was worth a sunny Sunday outing. Theatre is slow to come back after the Covid Crisis, and we are trying to do our part. But no, I can't really recommend this one at full price.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Holly Park

 It's been quite some time since I walked in and around Holly Park so I did that yesterday after working for the Mayor for a couple of hours in the morning. It was a lovely sunny day and I needed a change of scenery. The citizens of SF use all of our many parks and they are kept in great shape by the Park & Rec Department. 

Saturday, September 21, 2024

friendship in the fog

 The Blogmaid and I enjoyed a brisk walk along the ocean in Pathetica yesterday. We talked of many, many things, apu. Our reward was coffee and a bagel in the Chit Chat Cafe on the pier. Not too many other hearty souls out yesterday, mostly dog owners. A lovely Friday. xoxo

Friday, September 20, 2024

Thanksgiving 2024

 Yesterday Sister Jane texted "shall I come for Thanksgiving?" Oh, what a question. My favorite holiday and now with my favorite sister! I am so happy and excited and you will hear a lot about this delightful news as we march along into November. 

Thursday, September 19, 2024

a friends-filled Wednesday

Lunch at the BBQ place on Divasadero Street yesterday (top photo) to celebrate Jeanine's belated birthday. Then last night we enjoyed dinner at Heidi and Rob's because Suze has returned from a long summer on the East Coast. Today this blogger needs a dash of solitude.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

papel picado

 The little Mexican flags are up on 24th Street. I took this photo last week when there was sunshine (today is grey and gloomy) ~ as far as the eye can see up and down the street. This is known as the Calle 24 Latino Culture District and it is filled with restaurants and stores and always lots of people walking and often the low rider cars. So wonderful!

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

yes, swans can fly

I Need the Long March

Donna Spruijt-Metz

When I was my grandmother's mother I knewshe would be beautiful in the time of warso I set to knitting hera whole skein of swansin flawless V formationpearl-coloredto match her skin,steadfast guides for the long marchI sewed coins and jewelry into the hem of her dresscopal, charms, carnelian and ashinto her long sleevesand when my fear for her life was biggerthan my loveI released her to the steppes and flewabove it all, above the war, grasslandssnowfields, past the small horsesand the gray wolves

Monday, September 16, 2024

fun at the Emmys

 Well, I had a lovely time last night at the Emmy Awards and I will be the first to salute so much terrific television these days. There is really too much to watch, unless I allow myself daytime tv which I don't and won't. (Unless it is raining, of course.) I thought the father-son team of Eugene and Dan Levy was quite wonderful as the hosts. 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

more = merrier

 More volunteers (the Kamala effect?) is great, more signs, not so much as I feel it dilutes the message, plus I haven't even looked at the propositions. But no matter, we had a good morning at the Noe Valley Farmers' Market and yes, I will be very happy when Nov. 5th rolls around.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

the only hospital I want to see

 I had a long phone convo with Ginger Two in Santa Barbara yesterday. We are meeting in Budapest (!) in April for our Danube cruise. In the meantime she recommended The Resident on the Flix® and I had a good time with that last night. During the day I went downtown for a successful dental appointment (yay) and it did not look like the Doom Loop to me. 

Friday, September 13, 2024

Blink Twice

 I neglected to review this film that Amy and I saw on Tuesday at the Alamo. I do so love that funky theater. We were the only two there for the morning movie and I was able to yelp a bit during the scary parts, and god, there were a lot. I had read a good review of Blink Twice but I really can't recommend this film starring Channing Tatum, Naomi Ackie, Zoe Kravitz and (yay) Geena Davis. 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Annabelle beware

 Thanks to the Blogmaid for today's entry. It helps to smile when faced with Trump insanity.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


 Well, clearly Kamala won the debate last night. She was strong and caring and able to think on her feet. Trump was more of a buffoon than usual, in my most humble opinion. And I love that the moderators actually fact-checked three times ~ that was a relief to me.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

slowly but surely

 The new bathroom is coming along as well as can be expected. Mike can only work weekends, but work he does. The toilet-with-a-view on the left and the shower on the right. I'm quite ready for this endless project to end. Duh.

Monday, September 09, 2024

pre-debate nerves, yikes!

 I'm already worried about the debate tomorrow night. So much rides on the Nov. 5th election and we so need to make sure that the orange monster stays down in Florida forevermore, until he croaks. Dreadful, dangerous and hateful man.

Sunday, September 08, 2024

the fog was heavy this morning

 My favorite columnist, Kevin Fisher-Paulson, died. He wrote very personal words about his partner and their two adopted black sons. He was a sheriff here in SF and marched in every Gay Parade in uniform with his family. So San Francisco. Kevin battled cancer for 15 months and his death was expected, my reaction this morning was not. Tears. I will miss his Wednesday column and the world lost a very good man. I get tired of goodbyes.

Saturday, September 07, 2024

the not so perfect family

 Oh, what fun! Nicole Kidman and Liev Schreiber are the rich and imperfect parents of three boys and were hosting a gala wedding on Nantucket until a murder right before the wedding day and oooooh this is a lovely bit of tv. The Perfect Couple is on the Flix®.

Friday, September 06, 2024

off to England

The most wonderful Slow Horses began again with Season 4. I took a 45 minute break from The Good Wife last night to be enraptured with Gary Oldman and his band of goofy spies. Such terrific television. 


Thursday, September 05, 2024

let's binge

 The Good Wife began in 2009, and somehow Bill and I never watched this program even though it got lots of publicity at the time. There are 156 episodes and I am only on #23 which means I need to take a break and watch a few other things. But, man, this is some great tv. 

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

sometimes I wonder about me

 I volunteered to have this house party for Mayor Breed. Am I nuts? I expect a good turnout and Jack (who works with me every Saturday morning) will help. I hope. But really, do I need this stress at this stage of my life? It appears that I do...


for London Breed




oooops technical nonsense here sorry~ party not until Oct. 7th and there will lots of time for me to bitch about it all. But let me know if you want to attend. 5:30 to 7:30. xo

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

my cat-centered return

 Non-stop purring here from Annabelle and her servant. We now have this glorious Cats for Kamala front porch sign thanks to the Blogmaid. Also a new dish towel which states correctly that "home is where my cat is" from dear neighbor Heidi. I'm busy doing laundry and attempting to restore order to my life after a delightful vacation. The cupboards are bare and I will address this issue shortly. The drive home yesterday was okay except for some heavy traffic problems which will be forgotten in about three seconds. Happy to be home!

Monday, September 02, 2024

deep tragedy, then pasta

 Macbeth was amazing and impressive and sad too  Our final play after a busy week of mostly great theatre. How fortunate we are. Lovely pasta and salad at Osteria La Briccola and now I will pack up and we will head home. Ready, set, go...

Sunday, September 01, 2024

thinking about home (and cat)

 I'm starting to prepare for our trip home tomorrow and am not currently ambitious enough to rearrange the three pieces of "art" above. So I will tell you that we saw Born With Teeth in the afternoon and they nicely moved me down from my cheap seat to very near the stage and that was great as it was a 90 minute play of clever and compelling dialog between William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlow (Will and Kit in the top photo) and their (maybe) collaboration on the Henry plays. Very interesting concept. Then dinner at the Oregon Cabaret featuring Legally Blonde which was terrific with non-stop singing/dancing and fun. Oh, the weather? Hot, but not overwhelming and I do love the warm evenings.