Saturday, August 31, 2024

Lizard Boy, hooray!

 Graham, the owner here at Ashland Creek Inn, loved  Lizard Boy so Mary and I bought last minute tickets for yesterday and just loved the show. John is a traditional Shakespeare-is-my-guy kind of playgoer, but we women like the new and edgy (top photo) and this was fabulous. A couple of walks, a couple of deer from our little deck-by-the-creek and then dinner at Cucina Biazzi where we discover that this is their final night. The restaurant is closing and we were sad as their patio is a delight and the food is excellent. More change. Sigh. Still a really nice day.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Shakespeare x two (and dinner)

 A couple of good walks yesterday, it is warm but not stifling. I honestly had not heard of Coriolanus, a sort of war story but done with an all-woman cast yesterday. I found it surprisingly interesting. So 2.5 hours in the afternoon. Then an excellent dinner at Alchemy on the front porch of the Winchester Inn. Obviously, the top photo. Then Much Ado About Nothing outside again on a warm and lovely night. This play was filled with fun, music and rare silliness from William Shakespeare. Another 2.5 hours and my tusch was tired. Today will be easy!

Thursday, August 29, 2024

a two play day with walks

 Lithia Park (top photo) is as beautiful as ever. The weather is perfect and so was our day. Well, maybe not the evening play Jane Eyre but still outdoor theatre is just so special. The matinee was terrific, Behfarmaheen ~ the story of an Iranian immigrant; a one man, one act play that was quite powerful. The title means "if you please" or "welcome". In the bottom photo you see Mary and John and the waiter's arm at Hearsay, a restaurant I had not been to before. Such a delight to have dinner outside and the food was good. We have another two play day and then some down time beginning tomorrow. So happy to be here!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

our yearly adventure

 I took a Lyft in a Tesla to Oakland to jump in John and Mary's Tesla for our trip here. Smooth. There are more charging stations this year. Top photo is gorgeous Mt. Shasta from the car window and this year I am splurging and staying in the Ashland Creek Inn which is posh and lovely and where my friends always stay.  I have my own separate room and bath and this THING above my bed but hey, who am I to complain. Dinner at the Lark Hotel last night and breakfast this morning by the creek with my delightful friends. Oh, I almost forgot ~ tea in Weed yesterday while the car was charging. More luxury,,,

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

six plays in six days

 It's going to be hot in Ashland and of course my wardrobe is all based on how-much-fog-and-for-how-long? I spent yesterday packing too much of the wrong thing and I leave this morning to hop in John and Mary's Tesla (we hate Elon Musk!) in Oakland for the 6 hour drive to Oregon. I do not like saying goodbye to a certain pesky cat, but she will be fine. As will I. xo

Monday, August 26, 2024

our Saturday rerun

 Heidi and Rob hosted a lively party for our new neighbors Sohavani and Austin and we all brought food and our best wishes and welcomes. The old neighbors Julia and Michael returned from their new life in Sausalito and yes, they miss us and the whole "it takes a village" kind of feel here in Bernal Heights. APU, I am feeling thankful.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Paris for London

 Jack and I welcomed Paris to the Noe Valley Farmers' Market yesterday. We are always happy to get one more volunteer at our table so that we can take walks and breaks and to show our strength. Plus we love her energy!

Saturday, August 24, 2024

a poem on Saturday

Every morning Poetry Daily sends me a poem via email. I send them a small donation every year and for some reason I really liked this one by Linda Pastan who died in 2023. Why NOT live each day as if it were the first?

Imaginary Conversation

Linda Pastan

You tell me to live each dayas if it were my last. This is in the kitchenwhere before coffee I complainof the day ahead—that obstacle raceof minutes and hours,grocery stores and doctors.But why the last? I ask. Why notlive each day as if it were the first—all raw astonishment, Eve rubbingher eyes awake that first morning,the sun coming uplike an ingénue in the East?You grind the coffeewith the small roar of a mindtrying to clear itself. I setthe table, glance out the windowwhere dew has baptized everyliving surface.

Friday, August 23, 2024

and now we get to work

 The final DNC night four and just WOW. Some of the best parts were speeches by Republicans who are disillusioned, to say the least. Nicole walked down with a salad and I ordered a giant pizza and we had a happy celebration. Kamala Harris is an awesome candidate.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

a spot of tea?

 Heidi hosted an old fashioned tea for Gini and me yesterday using her mother's dainty Haviland China and an old pink linen tablecloth which I managed to spill tea on. Drat. A nice break, however, from all things political. Then, of course, I rushed back home to MSNBC and the DNC with all of my friends in Chicago. Coach Walz is something else again, right?

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Michelle, Dougala and Barack

 Another invigorating night in Chicago with the DNC. First we had the fun roll call and all sorts of messages from interesting voters. Then the 2nd Gentleman, the former First Lady (superior) and our closer, President Obama. Wow, just wow.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

heroes galore


Including our very own Coach, Steve Kerr. What a happy surprise. You already know that this political junkie had a GREAT time at the Democratic National Convention last night and even got a bit misty with Dr Jill, Hillary and the noble President Biden. What a night!

Monday, August 19, 2024

loving Lucinda

 The wonderful Blogmaid accompanied me to magical Stern Grove yesterday to see and appreciate Lucinda Williams (middle photo) and to say "howdy" to the two grand daughters (top photo) who arranged for the tickets. I have not been here in years (decades) and was a bit afraid that the changes would be too radical, but no, everything was perfect. The sun, the crowd, the music, the trees and (gulp) the weather. Lots of old and new Liberal San Francisco Crazies and we all had such a fine day. Special thanks to the Blogmaid and to Lucinda. After glow...

Sunday, August 18, 2024

back with the voters

 Mostly I prefer the dogs while campaigning at the Noe Valley Farmers' Market on Saturday morning. Yesterday a rival (Mark Farrell) took the heat for some questionable campaign financing  so my presence didn't cause a fuss and I didn't have to defend Mayor Breed for something I know nothing about. It was an OK time, all in all. 

Saturday, August 17, 2024

just up the street

 Jen with two dogs cooked this superb pasta dinner last night and of course I love being able to walk to/fro and yum, I am spoiled. There is a new (to me) pasta store and restaurant here in the Mission District and Jen combined all sorts of interesting pasta and her home made broth and it was fabulous. Fresh salad too ~ excellent.

Friday, August 16, 2024

re-mo update

 Handy Jan and Mike work on the new bathroom on weekends, but the plumbing chores are finished and the sub-floor (right term?) is in. The toilet will be over there by the window and the shower over here in the right hand corner. I am so eager to have this finished in 2024.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

another birthday

 Not mine, thank goodness. This was for Helene, shown on the left in the photo. Gini hosted the lunch yesterday and it was colorful and pleasant. We belong to the now defunct "old book club" and it was nice to gather again, with or without book reports.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

city woman leaves city

 Joe picked my up yesterday and we went to Mill Valley, a charming small town up in Marin where Bette lives. We worked together at the museums and have remained friends. We were able to eat outside at the delightful Le Marais on East Blithedale, if you are ever up that way. Then we walked around the town and had great conversations and a few hearty laughs. Delightful day!

Monday, August 12, 2024

next book club book

 I just ordered The Lion Women of Tehran for my LindaKindle 4 and our next book club meeting. We won't be able to get together until October due to vacations and assorted obligations, but I will start reading and making some notes this week.Yesterday I finished Tom Lake and yes, I do recommend that novel. I will miss the Olympics, needless to say. A job well done, Paris!

Sunday, August 11, 2024

we love London

 Well, not ALL of us. Good thing I had icky retail training so I can put up with those who do not love our Mayor. The first voter yesterday was mean as a snake, but after that I just talked to a few who are interested and want to know why they should vote for Mayor Breed. I have grown to really like the Noe Valley Farmers' Market ~ so much to see. Dogs are not allowed inside so they line up and wait impatiently, never taking their eyes off their owners. And tons of kids and all sorts of happy SF residents and (we hope) voters.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

it was beyond time for a change

 Thanks to Terri I was able to successfully switch from Verizon to Consumer Cellular. Despite being a Verizon customer for 28 years (!) my monthly bill was more than $75 and from now on it will be under $30. A very smart young woman tech at Target helped me with the final step yesterday and I'm pleased with the customer service which had been lacking lately at Verizon. So once again, women conquer technology. 

Friday, August 09, 2024

our beautiful Bay

 We celebrated Neti's belated birthday yesterday at the Mission Rock Resort and of course it was busy with happy people because the fog had lifted and we four are feeling positive about the November elections. Neti, Jeanine, Pat Snyder and your well fed blogger had a lovely lunch.

Thursday, August 08, 2024

back to Paris, sort of...

 Yesterday Doug, Barb and I had a fine lunch at Le Central as we celebrated her upcoming birthday. And my thoughts were with Dancing Jen as this is really "our place" ~ xo.

Wednesday, August 07, 2024

the friend, the Farmhouse

 Dear Chef Sarah drove down from Napa yesterday to join me for another Thai feast and we were able to cover all sorts of important things as we ate a lot of delicious food. The Farmhouse has become one of my favorite go-to restaurants because I can walk there and because the food is just so damn good. Also pleasant service, But best of all was spending time with Sarah. Hooray!

Tuesday, August 06, 2024

getting to know Tim

 I was sort of hoping for Mark Kelly, but Tim Walz is probably a great choice for VP. I don't know anything about Minnesota (nor the Midwest), but I trust our future Madame President. Tim kind of looks like everyman USA and that's a good thing, right?