Thursday, October 17, 2024

a study in green

 I was intrigued by this woman at SF Moma on Monday. Even her hair was green, as was her hair ornament. If I was a REAL photographer I bet this would be an outstanding image, but alas...

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

award winning author

 I just started reading The Vegetarian by Han Kang, the South Korean writer who recently won the Nobel Prize in Literature, the first Asian woman to do so. The novel I'm reading won the Man Booker International in 2016 and somehow I missed that completely. Playing catch-up.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

another happy museum day

 Chef Sarah drove down from Napa yesterday and we actually used the driverless taxi WAYMO and now I will be able to do this solo. Yay! We met Doug and Barb down at SF Moma because of the Kara Walker installation (top and bottom photos) which I urge you to see, if possible. Then we toured the museum and oohed and ahhhhed a lot. A really nice lunch on the 5th floor (middle photo, duh) and some more wandering around. Doug had to scoot off early to watch the Dodgers lose so Barb got to experience WAYMO on the trip back to my home. This was a terrific day and I am grateful to Sarah for instigating this adventure. 

Monday, October 14, 2024

an old friend appears

 Susan, Ginger and I worked together way back in the 70's ~ we were copywriters at the now defunct Capwell's store in Oakland. Yesterday Susan came to SF (she lives in Davis) and we had lunch at the Park Chalet and then walked, talked and sat looking out at the ocean on the Great Highway. Susan's husband died last December and she is learning to navigate alone and really doing very well, in my opinion.  Her daughter drove her to/fro and we will meet again ~ next visit she wants to see all the xmas lights down in Union Square. Yes!

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Fifty years later

 Last night I went to a big gala 50 year anniversary celebration at John and Mary's gorgeous home in the Oakland Hills. Perfect weather, live jazz music and tons of food and drink. Husbando and I attended their wedding and when I saw him in an old wedding photo I had to grab a Kleenex®. I took Lyft to/fro Oakland, it is just so much easier. A lovely event and wow, 50 years. Zip/zip.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

is it good enough for my sis?

 Yesterday I had a lovely downtown day and one of my tasks was to check out the Hotel Stratford where Sister Jane will be staying Thanksgiving week. The two young women at the tiny front desk were nice and helpful and wow, what a perfect location in the heart of Union Square. Good choice, Sis! Then I went right around the corner to the King of Thai to celebrate with a big bowl of duck noodle soup and all in all, a wonderful SF kind of day.

Friday, October 11, 2024

and more art

 This event was curated by Suze Riley, my friend Gini's DIL and a very talented artist. The gallery is close to home in the industrial part of SF so Heidi and I attended last night. Perhaps my favorite was this small Tony's Pizza painting (top photo) by Nathaniel J. Bice, a very nice young man who has a great future. VACANCY was the theme of the show and it was indeed a treat.